
X11 Over SSH Tunnel


  • Server - aka headless. Where X apps will be run on.

  • Client - aka laptop. Where apps will be shown.

Setting up the Server:

Start by running sshd and configuring /etc/ssh/sshd_config

  • Enable the AllowTcpForwarding option in ssh**d**_config on the server.

  • Enable the X11Forwarding option in ssh**d**_config on the server.

  • Set the X11DisplayOffset option in ssh**d**_config on the server to 10.

  • Enable the X11UseLocalhost option in ssh**d**_config on the server.

Restart the server

Check /etc/hosts and make sure it has been configured with correct hostnames and IPs.

Setting up the Client

Configure /etc/ssh/ssh_config

  • Enable the ForwardX11 option in ssh_config on the client.

  • Or.. just use "ssh -X" [or -Y for X11 Trusted Forwarding] when you ssh into the server (for security)


SSH into the server with "ssh -X user@" and then run an X application such as xeyes, xterm, xclock, et cetera.. and enjoy.